Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bern helmet

I do not remember the model number of my helmet since I have had it for a few years all I know is that it is a Bern duel purpose helmet.

 I love this helmet it fits well and it is designed for use in the winter and the summer. I like the look and the feel of the helmet and the overall protection. With the amount of sports that I do I like only having one helmet that I can use year around.

The helmet has a liner that is a lot like a head band that easily snaps into the helmet. If you want to seal the helmet even more in the winter it comes with a piece of foam that fills all the holes in the top of the helmet. I never used this extra piece of foam but my head also sweat a lot when i was snowboarding so it was nice to be able to let some of the heat out.

The helmet also has a hook on the back to attach your goggles to so if you wipeout hard they don't fall off ( my brother tested this out a few years ago with an epic wipeout that gave him a pretty bad concussion, but hey his goggles were still attached)

Out of all the helmets that I have owned I think that this is my favorite. I am thinking this year it may be time to buy a new one and if I do I will be sure to post a review.
This is what the helmet looks like with the liner

This is an example of the liner , hook and foam piece that plugs the holes inside
Side view of my helmet

Goggle hook located on the back of the helmet

This is where the liner snaps into the inside of the helmet

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