Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Oakley Combat Boots

For my last security post I was required to buy boots due to the chemicals I might encounter. My first choice was going to be cheap Walmart boots and then one day I was up at the Castle Rock outlet mall and came across the Oakley combat boots for one hell of a deal so I decided to buy them instead. Best idea ever. I think my least favorite part about new boots is breaking them in, it always seems to be painful for like the first week. The Oakley boots though fit like a sneaker right out of the box and ar super comfortable. They are designed with Vibram soles and are leather and cloth. One thing that I like is that the soles on the boots come up the sides about an inch and even further in the back so if I were to step in a small puddle of liquid I never had to worry about it getting up to the leather or cloth part of the boot. The insoles on the boot are pretty good but if you are on your feet a lot or have knee or back issues you may want to buy new ones. (I have not needed them and I have knee and back issues.) So I would recommend these boots to anyone that is on their feet for extended periods of time and if you don't need steel toed boots. They come in 8 inch and 6 inch boots and in black or tan.

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