Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I updated my iPhone 5 the morning that the iOs7 update came out and at first I was kind of impressed. I liked that they added the Control center with the Flashlight, Calculator , Timer, Camera , Wifi , Blue tooth, and other tools at the flick of a finger. I always liked that with the android phones and now my iPhone has it YAY!

I didn't care to much for the new color scheme though I will post a picture below to show what i am talking about. (I am not a big fan of Pastel colors) Oh well that is not an issue with how the new operating system works just looks. I also didn't care much for the floating icons it is another cosmetic perk and doesn't have anything to do with operation.

 I like the changes overall and I am not going to list all of them (it would take far to long) I will however talk about the things I don't like. iOs7 seems to drain the battery on my phone way faster. I also have problems with my apps either not working or not working well. It isn't all apps but it is enough to be frustrating. I also had a hard time connecting to wifi for the first day or so but now that seemed to fix itself. Over all I am impressed with the new iOs for iPhone but I am really excited for them to fix all the little bugs that has come with it. The iPad is another story entirely and if I get the time I will write a review on that in the near future.

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